The new way of teaching.

The way we experience school has not been changed for over a hundred years.
Standardized tests and impersonal practices have led to a student’s Insufficient understanding of the world they live in and the role people play within the system.

This is why we, as the collective, have the opportunity to use modern technology to introduce a new way of learning.

A new way of teaching in which we look at the talents and interests of the student and knowledge can be shared by anyone who fits the proper requirement for each subject.

Knowledge, less from books, but from specific programs
that adapt to what a student needs in order to play a healthy role
in a ever faster changing society.

Courses will be determined open source by the collective.

Interested in a new way of teaching ? click here

Want to help us ? click here

Work that works

Lately a lot of people have had difficulties finding a decent job.

People of different ages and backgrounds are looking for work that fits their personal education or interests.

Unfortunately, it seems like it is getting increasingly difficult to find a job that fits with people’s requirements.
Jobs that have been available usually have a minimum salary that is insufficient to build any kind of future.

This is why we, as a collective, can create the jobs that can be performed by people that fit their requirements best with better pay and security of salary and less work hours.

What jobs we will offer, will depend on the collective
but will be executed locally.

Interested in a collectively controlled job agency ? click here

Want to help us ? click here

Is it possible to turn all debt into real money ?

According to the bank, the world economy is doing great.
because it doesn’t see a difference between money and debt.
It sees the debt of one, as money of another.

So what would happen, if we, as a collective,
would start our own credit bank with higher interests
for any client of  any other bank ever created ?

We would be able to offer the following:

Pay day loans
Bail bonds
Buying of debt

And all with a guarantee of lower interest rates
because all income will be controlled by the collective
so we can use it to help the people get their life on track.

Interested in creating a collectively controlled bank ? click here

Interested in a loan ? click here

Want to help us here

A home for every generation

By collectively buying and building houses, we can give the youth a home while still making a possible investment out of it.

All homes we build will be up to most modern standards and will be insured by our collective insurance plan.
If homes are not up to modern standards, they will be rebuild.

Depending on which state, will we offer housing complete with greenhouses for growing local produce and possible cannabis growing options, making each home self sufficient yet collective
controlled environment in which the residents have the responsibility to grow the best greens they can.
We will call these houses Green Leaf label houses.

Interested in investing in houses ? click here

Interested in investing in Green Leaf label houses ? click here

Interested in living in a collective controlled home ? click here

Interested in living in a Green Leaf label home ? click here

Want to help us ? click here

To be insured with lower cost, with ensured certainty.
Is there a practical plan to make this possible ?

By starting an insurance company as part of the collective,
we will have full insight with ever doctor and practice
willing to join the collective.
Doctors and practices are allowed to join the collective
if they have not broken the law.

We will create our own brands of medication
which can be controlled and checked by any member
of the collective for substances and practices.
All medication will be compensated
by the collective’s insurance plan.

Companies of other medications are allowed to join the collective if they have not broken the law and if they allow full disclosure in all substances and practices.

Contracts of all employees will be fully transferred.

Companies suffering under the transfer will be compensated.

Interested in a in a collective insurance plan ? click here

Interested in the creation of our own medication ? click here

Want to help us ? click here
